Research & Events
Stay up to date with the latest information about the project.
As our project grows, we will share the stories of ordained Atlantic Baptist women both in person and online. Panel discussions, workshops, and research presentations will take place from 2024-2026.

Summer 2024 Events
May 21 in Raleigh, NC: National Association of Baptist Professors of Religion Annual Meeting
Dr. Maxwell shares her paper “Faithfully Feminist? Ordained Baptist Women in Atlantic Canada”
June 18 in Montreal, QB: Canadian Society of Church History Conference
Dr. Maxwell shares her paper “Faithfully Feminist? Ordained Baptist Women in Atlantic Canada”
August 8 in Cambridge, UK: International Conference on Baptist Studies
Dr. Maxwell shares her paper “Called to Learn: Educational Experiences among Atlantic Baptist Women in Ministry, 1970-2020”

Winter 2025 Events
January 16-17, 2025, UK: Project Violet International Symposium
Dr. Maxwell shares our research with Project Violet, a similar project among Baptist women in the UK.

Faithfully Feminist?
Dr. Melody Maxwell shares “Faithfully Feminist?”, a paper she presented in 2024 at conferences in Quebec and North Carolina.…

The Storied History of Women in Ministry
Hearing the stories of others makes us consider our own lives and what might be possible for us… Dr.…

Called to Serve in Tidings
Tidings magazine, published by Atlantic Baptist Women, featured Called to Serve in its June 2023 issue. We are grateful…

Pioneering Pastors
In 2019 and 2020, Dr. Melody Maxwell and research assistant Samantha Diotte interviewed eight of the first women ordained…

Website Launch
We’re excited to announce that our website is now live! Check back often to see new stories as they…