
Hear the stories of women ordained by Atlantic Baptist churches!

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Aenon Baptist Church African Baptist Church (Florida) Albert Baptist Church Amherst Baptist Church Annapolis Royal Baptist Pastorate Atlantic Community Church Avonport Baptist Church Aylesford Baptist Church Barrington Baptist Church Barss Corner Baptist Church Bayers Road Baptist Church Bayside Baptist Church Bayview District Baptist Pastorate Bedford Baptist Church Beechwoord Baptist Church Bethany Independent Baptist Church Bethany Memorial Baptist Church Bethel Baptist Institutional Church (Florida) Black Rock Baptist Church Bridgewater Baptist Church Brunswick Street Baptist Church Cambelton Baptist Church Cambridge Baptist Church Canaan Baptist Church Canning United Baptist Church Centerville Baptist Church Central Baptist Church (Saint John) Central Hampstead Baptist Church Charlottetown First Baptist Church Clementsvale Baptist Church Dartmouth First Baptist Church Digby Neck Baptist Church Digby United Baptist Church East Oxford Baptist Church East Toronto Meeting House Edmonton First Baptist Church Evangelical Community Church (Hong Kong) Faith Baptist Church Falmouth Baptist Church First Baptist of Nevis (Saint Kitts and Nevis) First Cornwallis Baptist Church Forest Hills Baptist Church Fredericton Salvation Army Freeport United Baptist Church Fundy Seaside Baptist Church Grace Memorial Baptist Church Grafton Baptist Church Grand Bay Baptist Church Grand Bay United Baptist Church Greenfield United Baptist Church Greenwood Drive Baptist Church Gunningsville Baptist Church Guysborough Baptist Church Halifax First Baptist Church Hampton Baptist Church Hantsport Baptist Church Happy Valley Baptist Church Harmony Baptist Church Harvey Baptist Church Havelock Baptist Church Hill Grove United Baptist Church Hillside Baptist Church Hopewell Community Church Hosanna Presbyterian Church (South Korea) Immanuel Baptist Church (Dartmouth) Indian Harbour Baptist Church Inglewood Baptist Church Kansas City Central Baptist Church Kempt Shore (Summerville/Bramber/Cambridge) Kennebecasis Baptist Church Kentville Baptist Church La Crosse First Baptist Church Lancaster Baptist Church Lockhartville Baptist Church Mahone Bay United Baptist Church Manchester Chinese Christian Church Melvern Square Baptist Church Middle Sackville United Baptist Church Middlefield United Baptist Church Middleton Baptist Church Midland Baptist Church Moncton First Baptist Church Morristown Baptist Church Nashwaaksis Baptist Church Nerepis Baptist Church New Beginnings Ministries New Horizons Baptist Church (Cornwallis) New Minas Baptist Church Newport United Baptist Church Nictaux Baptist Church North Alton Baptist Church North and South Alton Baptist Churches North Brookfield United Baptist Church North Preston Baptist Church North Range Baptist Church Northwest United Baptist Church Oak Grove (Detroit) Park Baptist Church (Scotland) Parrsboro Baptist Church Pereaux United Baptist Church Petitcodiac Baptist Church Port Lorne Baptist Church Port Williams Baptist Church Queenstown Baptist Church RiverCross Church Riverview Baptist Church Rossway Baptist Church Saint John Vineyard Church Seabright Baptist Church Second United Baptist Church (New Glasgow) South End Baptist Church Springfield West Baptist Church Springford Baptist Church St. John's Salvation Army St. Luke's Protestant Chapel St. Philip's Baptist Church (NY) St. Stephen Baptist Church Stevens Road Baptist Church Summerside Baptist Church Sussex United Baptist Church Tancook Island Baptist Church Temple Baptist Church The Crossing Church The Journey Church The Meeting House The Meeting Place (Pugwash) Timberlea Baptist Church Tracadie Baptist Church Tremont Baptist Church Truro Immanuel Baptist Church Uniacke Baptist Church Union Church (Hong Kong) Union Church of Scott's Bay Union Street Atlantic Baptist Church Union Street Baptist Church Victoria Road Baptist Church Victoria Road United Baptist Church Waterville Baptist Church West Brooklyn Baptist Church West End Baptist Church (Halifax) Westover Baptist Church Wilmot Baptist Church Windsor Baptist Church Windsor Plains United Baptist Church Wirral United Baptist Church Wolfville Baptist Church Woodville Baptist Church Yorkminster Park Baptist Church Yuen Long Church (Hong Kong) Zion Baptist Church (Newtown)

June Keddy

Rev. June Keddy passed away in February of 2024. In this interview, June spoke about her childhood experiences with…

Read MoreJune Keddy

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